So a twofold post for today - a new figure and a review of the case I picked up for it. The figure is straightforward of course, just a variant of the familiar ESB Yoda. The main difference is the accessory, and it gives its name to the variant - "Brown Snake Yoda". This example is a very nice one, correct figure, correct accessories, complete, and with the original cardback. Score!
The cardback is actually quite nice, unpunched, intact POP, and not too badly damaged around where the bubble was torn off.
Let's have a closer look at the case, it's from GW Acrylic. This is a really cool way to display a figure with cardback.
There's an internal "platform" that positions the loose figure right where it would be if this was a sealed MOC, and a small indentation in the stand to fit a one-inch base. It all fits together quite seamlessly and is really a great display solution. Cost is about $30USD.
Now let's look at the figures! This of course is the "usual" orange snake variant. Note the lighter green skin and light brown cane.The brown snake variant is most often found with darker green skin and a dark brown cane, and has distinctive "pac-man eyes". According to these are correct for the brown snake variant, which has been found on all but ESB-32B and -41A, B, and -D cardbacks.Here are the two together. Quite different looking aren't they! And the snakes are different in ways other than colour. The orange one is pretty stiff while the brown snake is much more rubbery and flexible.